Tuesday, March 4, 2014

1SE: January + February 2014

I recently started using "1 Second Everyday" which is a nifty app which lets you splice 1 second videos/photos/text into video collages! (The app recognizes the date each photo/video is taken so it prevents cheating.) You can save up videos over any span of time, and while videos over a full year look really cool... I'm not that patient!! I decided to make some monthly videos instead ^^


I only started taking videos for the month of March, but I did have random photographs on my phone for the months of January and February that I put into a video slideshow ^^ Since I usually use my phone to tweet photographs of food that's mainly what the slideshows include... I will definitely have more variety in March!!

January 1SE
Song: Motohiro Hata - Rain

February 1SE
Song: Motohiro Hata - Kotonoha

Note: The 1 Second Everyday app does not include a feature to overlay the videos with music, so I used a separate app on my phone called "Background" which is free on iTunes ^^ The app is really easy to use and allows you to crop songs from your iTunes library over videos. Unfortunately, because monthly videos are only 20 to 30 seconds long, it's hard to find a good clip of music to use.

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